Tai Chi Lessons in Belgium – Starting soon!

DSC02104Regular attendee of the Prague Summer Residential, Marleen Hoogstoel, will be starting some new Tai Chi lessons in Belgium at the end of January 2015.


Tai Chi Lesson in Avelgem

Where: Turnzaal van de basisschool DeToekomst
              Kerkhofstraat 51
              8580 Avelgem

When: 19.30-20.30, From Thursday the 22nd of Jan.


Tai Chi Lesson in Waregem

Where: Spirit Mountain – Zaal Nalanda
             Olmstraat 107
             8790 Waregem

When: 18.45 – 20.00 (Course 1), 20.15 – 21.30 (Course 2) From Monday the 26th of Jan


Contact: Marleen Hoogstoel
Tel. 055/610046
               GSM 0486/780498
               Email marleenhoogstoel@gmail.com