The Taiji School will have a Workshop on “Listening” at Prague 4 on Saturday the 7th of November.
The aim of this Workshop is to develop one of the most important principles within Taiji Partner Work – “Listening”.
Listening in this context, refers to Adhering, Connecting, Sticking and Following, as described in the sixth verse of The Song of Tuishou;
Adhere, Connect, Stick and Follow, without disconnecting or resisting.
To Listen/Feel is to be aware of all the sensations within the body, to Listen in a partner work environment is to be acutely aware of any forces that are within the space of the body’s perception. Once there is a perception of a sensation then other aspects of the force can be felt ie size, length and direction. Once there is an understanding of the force, then appropriate ways of neutralizing it can be used. If there is no “Listening” then it is very hard to respond with correct timing and balance.
During the workshop we will look at many ways at how we can stay balanced and calm while still listening to our partner.
Anyone is welcome to come and join in, regardless of whether you are a complete beginner to Taiji or if you are practising a different style or form of Taiji.
Taught by: Paul (English)
When: November 7th 2015, 13:30 – 16:30
Where: Škola Jedličkova ústavu, U Jedličkova ústavu 2, Praha 4 (10 min walk from Vyšehrad metro station)
Price: Workshop – 500 Kc
*If you have participated in the Taiji Tuishou meeting during the morning, you are eligible for a 100 kc discount to the workshop fee.