Taoist Arts – Ukraine Horse Camp 2020

Seminar at Poloniny, Ukraine 17.-25.7.2020

Exceptional experience including, food cooked on fire, horse trekking on mountain ridges, six days without electricity, no wifi or phones, pure wildlife, sundo and taichi exercises.

Also suitable for beginners on horseback. even for those who do not want to ride horses and want to participate only in exercise.

Timing: Depart Prague on Friday evening, 17. 7.2020, arrive back in Prague on Saturday morning, 25.7.2020.

7.30 – 9.00 Morning Sundo
9.00 Breakfast
10.30 – 12.00 Morning exercise (structural work, standing postures, flow form)
13.00 Lunch
14.00 – 18.30 Horses (instruction, ride)
19.00 Dinner

Price: 11,500 CZK (450 euro). The price may adjust slightly + -200 CZK (8 euro).

This price is valid for early payments before 15.6.2020, see instructions below, after this date the price will be 12.500 CZK (490 euro).
Included in the price: Stay on Poloniny farm (horse instruction, food), transport, exercise.
Price for children: 9.200 CZK (360 euro)

Contact: Lenka Ryšková +420 606 643 873, ryskova@arha.cz

Deposit: 1.500 CZK (60 euro) by 1. 2.2020, 2.500 CZK (100 euro) by 1.5.2020, full amount by 15.6.2020

CZK: 2401190975/2010

EUR: 2001482004/2010, IBAN: CZ2620100000002001482004, SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX
